Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Standard Park Jet Power System

There is a strong subculture of park jet enthusiasts which I have only recently stumbled upon. They make their jets out of 6mm depron and they use this standard power system: 2200 kv motor, 30 amp ESD, 1600 mah 3 cell battery and a 6x4 prop. Tis setup will power large models (though not overly large) very handily. It is the best of all worlds, the sweet spot, for park jets.

RC Powers has a parts list and links to suppliers. Dave and Scott also have well researched designs and will sell you the plans for a very fair price.

A huge number of plans can be had for a small donation at park jets.com. A favorite seems to be the Alpha Jet (a very modernist take on the biplane).

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